
To carry on the business of all kind of Constructors Builders, Erects, Mechanical,
Electrical, Chemical and Metallurgical, Electronic, Telecommunication, Networking
and services, Bio-medical, Computer Engineers and consultants under taking to
execute, contracts, to design, plan, build, fabricate, maintain, develop, improve
work, control and manage any buildings, road, bridges, railways, tramways,
waterways, dockyards, Sea ports, Air ports, gas works, reservoirs electric power
station, power sub-station, power transmission & heating, ventilation, Air
conditioning (HVAC) and light supply works, telecommunication works, stores and
other like works and to contribute or otherwise assist or take part in the
construction, maintenance development, working and management thereof
Moreover generally to do and perform all such other acts and things as may be
incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects

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