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To consultant of plan, design, construct, decorator, interior, install and maintain a
centrally placed modern, ideal hospital having all the latest medical facilities and
equipments with the aim to make the institution reasonably capable of managing all
kinds of medical problems inside the country and to set up various peripheral health
service centers at different places of the country with the aim to extend the
service facilities to the doorstep of the people.To carry on the business of
indenters, importers, exporters, stockiest and general order suppliers and to act as
traders, importers of any commodity, commission agents, clearing and forwarding
agents, buying and selling agents, indenting agents, stevedores, foreign brokers
and merchandise of every kind and description whether manufactured, finished or
partly finished or crude state as the company may think fit and do any other
business which shall may think profitable.
To borrow, raise, money in such manner as the company shall think fit and in
particular by the issue of debenture, stock, perpetual otherwise, charged upon all